Monday, July 8, 2013

The Lord! Is my Shepard.

I stumbled upon a old book of mine this morning. A Shephard looks at Psalm 23. This book was a gift to me from a patient. A younger man, no older than my own father, stricken with cancer, he lay in his bed with a genuine grin on his face. Sharing with me his love for his wife, his children and all his grandchildren; his fears of leaving too soon. The tears he shed were small, fighting them back he expressed his faithfulness to his comforter, counselor, helper - our Lord Jesus Christ- He shared how he was wrapped in paece after reading this story, and would hope I'd gain insight to Love Himself after I read it.  After signing the inside cover with a trembling, exhausted hand, he reached across his bed and passed it to me, tangling his arm in his IV lines. I fumbled with his tubes, readjusting his fluids and chemotherapy drugs; pumping into his veins as if they were the sweet answer. Occupying my hands so I can let my mouth be silent; I didn't know what to say. I was fidgeting because I was scared, and sad.  For him, for his loss. I was silent and listened to him share. I took the book, thanked him, left the room, and shoved it into my backpack. 

I was overwhelmed with this man's love of our father. He was so weak, so powerless, so frail. But he relied on Christ to strengthen him, mentally and emotionally.  Over a year later I open this book back up, amazed and disappointed at my walk with Christ. Have I made God too small? Why have I trusted Him with the "big" things and not with the everyday ones?

I want to share an excerpt from the first chapter: 

" God the Father is God the author - the originator of all that exists. It was in His mind first, that all took shape.
God the Son, our Savior, is God the artisan - the artist, the creator of all that exists. He brought into being all that had been originally formulated in His father's mind.
God the Holy Spirit is God the agent - who presents these facts to both my mind and my spiritual understanding so that they become both real and relative to me as an individual"

The Lord! Yes He is the one who is my Shepherd, maker, my guide, my love. Let's make God bigger than we do - the more magnificent my concept of Christ is, the more essential my relationship will be. How big is your God? How far will you trust Him?

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is Youer than you. -Dr. Suess

Little bits about me:

That is me outside my Cap Hill apt 7/2013

1. I like food! Cooking, eating. Especially Mediterranean and middle eastern (favorite restaurant).
2. I was a gymnast for almost 10years. Still like to walk on my hands, and get stuck on a trampoline.
3. I can't live without dogs. My pitbull/greyhound is my joy.
Charlie is a little too big for this now

4. I am a night person. I work nights, and on my days off you'll find me awake well past midnight.
5. I think I have a deficiency of vitamin N (nature). I love the outdoors, try to do what I can outside rather than in.
6. I want to travel, more, and more. In-state, cross country, cross the seas.
7. I don't have a TV right now, so exploring the city and reading books are just as entertaining.
8. I have two best friends - my twin sister, and a LA native.
9. I am a follower of Christ - not perfect, yet forgiven.

Favorite quote: "Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love" -Wally Lamb, She's come undone. (favorite author right now too).

Favorite verse: "and we all..reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image (moment by moment) with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Definition: to outline or to give the precise meaning of something

I'm Rebekah. I moved out to the city of Seattle in late September 2012. I moved up here to work as a RN. What has come out of the move has been so much of learning about myself, what's important to me, and how to enjoy every moment. I wanted to start this blog rounding my first year here, to share what I stumble upon while I walk this road called life. 
You're probably wondering what the meaning of my blog title is... No it's not a place, or guy's name. It's the Hebrew word for "journey, road, way, custom" (of life).  I'm aiming to capture my thoughts, views, emotions, smiles, and ah-ha moments- and to wrestle through words what i'm learning and living. Realizing that it's less about trying, and more about letting. Doing what I can to let Christ in me, be open, lean in to His speaking. And enjoy.
 Since moving to Seattle I'll be honest I've struggled. I've questioned. I've doubted. And then I've rejoiced. Celebrated. Hoped.

Lastly, derekh embodies what i'm discovering.   Genesis 3:24 speaks of God guarding and keeping the way back to "life", repeated again in John 14:16, we're told that Christ will be with us, to help us on our road.